Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ten Things to Learn From the Construction Site

Today marks the one month mark of our little home makeover project. Nearly everyday has been spent swinging a hammer, a paint brush, a putty knife, etc. Through the exhaustion of the entire thing, I have found myself "in the know" with some of the tricks of the trades and the secrets your local handymen don't tell you. Here's my top ten:

1. The best way to score an awesome deal on reliable work is to ask around to those you know that have completed similar projects. Post on Facebook, it works! (God bless social media for your occasional benefits.) Thanks to the boss (ok, it was his lovely wife who finally dug up the number) for the AWESOME floor guy. Charlie has it going on with the hardwood refinishing.

2. No matter how many times you go to Home Depot, you will never find whatever it is you are looking for where you think it would be. This store is screaming for a makeover. Case in point: Wood treatment. Is it by the wood? No. It's by the paint. What the?!

3. Before taking the sledgehammer to the wall, make sure that the foreman sees exactly where you are pointing when you ask, "Right here, right?" Otherwise the next hour will be spent patching up the place that did not need to be demo'd. (HARUMPH!)

4. Awesome neighbors are a fabulous perk. That pitcher of ice cold tea on the 100+ degree demo weekend really hit the spot. Even with a few forehead sweat drips in it. Thanks, new neighbor!

5. Make friends with your local pub owner. He'll be much more likely to kick down cheap (or FREE!) drinks, and turn a blind eye when you come in covered in paint (or spider webs, or dirt, or sweat) and smelling like a barn.

6. No, there is nothing that will actually get that stuff off of your hands/legs/arms/girls. Apparently silky soft skin is a no-no in the construction site, as those silky soft parts soak up construction site goo like no other. (Ok, and one sub-point here: Wear a shirt, not a tank top. The girls pretty much act like a giant horizontal bib, catching everything that gravity insists must fall, including insulation, spackling mud, primer, paint, etc. And it is impossible to "look cute" while doing construction projects. You will inevitably look like Billy Bob the Plumber. Suck it up and get over it.)

7. Shupes are worth their weight in gold when it comes to construction projects. Need a door hung? Ask Papa Bear Shupe. Need a phone number for a good "insert specialty trade here" guy? Call Older Bro Shupe. Need help painting? Call Mama Shupe. Need everything else done? Shupasaurus is on it.

8. Family and friends will be there for you when you need them. Trips to the dump? Check! Trudging around rotted deck boards and sappy tree branches? Check. Tearing down walls? Check! A bucket of chicken when Shupasaurus is dying of hunger? Thanks, Mom!

9. Said friends and family will be expecting cocktails galore upon completion of the project.

10. It's not the destination, it's the journey. Your house will end up beautiful, but it's the fun you have on the way to gorgeous that really makes it fabulous. (Ok, and the HUGE party you get to have after you finish. Come on people, you know me.)

1 comment:

  1. And quite a journey it is! I love reading these posts. #4 - great neighbors are fantastic! I received some cookies from one side and a nice cold pitcher of fresh strawberry smoothie from the other side.

    Well done on your choice of friends, family, and neighborhood!
