Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sweat Equity

Ok, before I begin, let me just say that I only brag because I know most of you have been there since the beginning of this little bloggie. We came into this project with a big hopes, huge dreams, a little money and nothing but time. The experience of the last year and a half has been incredible. Ups, downs, elation, heartbreak and everything in between.

After 6 months of waiting for a crazy short sale loan from hell to close, 3 months of hard, hard, hard work, and 9 months of getting settled, Shupasaurus and I are officially at home in our home. We love it. We hang at home, because our home is awesome. It's ours. We did it. With a lot of help from those we love, of course. But it is everything we wanted and more. And do you want to know what the best part of the "more" is? Wait for it... Wait for it...

In the last month, I have been in the process of taking advantage of this whacked out economy and the low low interest rates available by trying to refi the Speakeasy. Rates are about a percent lower these days (especially since I got the crapiest loan ever since the house was the crapiest house ever- we just said thanks to the bank and insurance company willing to put their neck out for such a pile of bat guano).

So, we are trying the refi and seeing where we land. So far, things look good.

But the point of my story is that, after owning our home for just over one year (we closed mid-July and it is the end of September), we have... Drum roll... Over 25% equity. Our hard work has paid off, hugely. In this flailing (to put it nicely) housing market, we have managed the impossible: GAINING value. As homeowners are seeing negative equity of $100k+, we have over $50k on our side.

So thank you, to everyone who helped us accomplish this feat. I am so proud to have a real "investment" and something that I'm not only proud to call home, but something that I know I will own for the rest of my life and never have to worry about anymore heartache.

Now, who's ready to buy the next shack with us?!?!?!?! :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Three Things

Today was one of those days. You know, those days when it takes a little extra to put on a happy face. Those days when, for some reason, you just feel in a funk. And I know I have nothing to complain about. I am more fortunate than I can say, but for some reason today felt so blah that I sat in my little cubbie at work, just typing reports, sending letters and moping to myself.

In my travels on the World Wide (as Nichole would call it), I stumbled on a lovely little blog by a woman I don't even know. Her post on her new garden caught my attention and the fact that she barely posts more than me made me bond immediately. ;)

As I looked at the first few posts, hoping not to waste too many workday hours, I found this one:

In college, when she felt blah, her roommate would go, "Quick, three things!" And she would rattle off three things she was thankful for right at that moment.

Wow. An epiphany. We have so much to be thankful for, we sometimes lose sight. Perhaps, if every morning (or afternoon, or evening) we took five minutes out to remind ourselves of three things that we are happy about, we will forget those things we don't like so much. I think the idea is grand. And I'm going to start reminding myself of those three things. Everyday. Starting today.

And just so you get to be witness to the beginning of this little self pact, here are my first three things I am greatful for:

1. Having two sweet boys who sit with me in the morning while I try to do something with my "flock of seaguls" hair. (Thanks, Shupe, for the lovely adjective.)

2. Having a job that challenges me, helps me grow as a person, let's me have a little fun during my workdays and allows me to be myself.

3. Living in a place where I'm allowed to live how I want, without limits and without being scared of what's around the corner.

Now, before I have any "What about me?!" comments (not that you would say that, mom), this is just the start. I have MUCH more that I stoked about. This is only day one.

What are your three things?