Monday, October 11, 2010

Honey, it's time. . .

It is with extreme excitement and incredible happiness that I can report to you all that this week is the official housewarming at the Discoball Speakeasy!

After nine months of dreaming, preparing, saving, hoping, (crying), demolishing, reconstructing, painting, sweating and more sweating, it is finally time to CELEBRATE!

I can totally understand what an expectant mother feels after nearly a year of lugging around the idea of a new life. Now, of course, I didn't get the few side-effects of motherhood that I know most women love - the weight gain (hey, I think I might have actually lost a couple lbs), the grumpiness (nothing a glass of wine couldn't alleviate), the near-divorce moments (now,I'm obviously not married, but Shupie and I never had the "I'm staring at you so angrily that I might burn a whole in your cornea" fights throughout this project) and I never had to invest in fat boy clothes (although the ones I have are near and dear to my heart - I'll take your freshman fifteen and raise you ten!)

It took nearly seven months to get the place, two more months before we could move and now another month to get settled in, but now it's time to show this place what a REAL party is. If the house is a-rockin', you best grab a cocktail and come on in!

I cannot wait to have my family and friends, so near and dear to my heart, come over and celebrate the little house that could. Without them, this could never had been possible. I have some of the greatest people in my life and this is just one little "thank you" to them for being there with me through this whole ordeal. I know there's not enough home brewed beer in the world to make up for my weepy phone calls post-bank- backout, the endless "you won't even believe this one" stories I told month after month, the pleas for help during all-weekend demolition sessions and all the times I've had to pass up on other fun things because there was house this or that that just needed to be done right away.

So, thank you. Thank you to my wonderful family, my friends, my ever-understanding bosses and co-workers, and my eight loyal blog readers. You make my world a better place.