Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I do!

Over this past weekend, I was lucky enough to attend a beautiful afternoon bridal shower for a couple of my best girlfriends. Their wedding is next month and I couldn't be more excited to celebrate their love for one another. And before we do that, there is a bachelorette bonanza weekend ahead of us that is sure to be a party to remember.

All of this wedding talk has really gotten me thinking about, well, weddings.

I have been a long time believer in the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality, Hence the boyfriend (not husband) of 4+ years. However, as we get older (well, he can be considered "old" at the ripe age of 32, while I am still considered "just a kid" at 28. Right?) the pressure to take the plunge has increased exponentially.

I am ambivalent about marriage for many reasons. First (again) why mess with something that works? I don't feel any sort of pull to conform to what others think I "should" do. If I "should" get married, than I should be able to tell those who I think are crazy fools for getting married that they "shouldn't" get married. Trust me, I've fought that urge on a few occasions. Funny how those tables simply can't be turned. (To any of my friends who read this - I am definitely not talking about you, of course.)

Next is the fact that it is so sublimely unfair that I should be able to marry a Shupasaurus, when I have friends who cannot legally marry their heart's desire, simply because of their sex. Come on, I can marry a Chris Dinosaur and a dude can't marry a dude? If only the Prop 8 people knew I found a loophole in their "next thing will be people marrying animals" theory.

Furthermore, why, when I have so many house projects, would I want to throw thousands of bucks into a one day shindig. I am more than content with having the occasional impromptu backyard gatherings celebrating my life, my Shupe and my fabulous friends. Hell, I spend enough already trying to keep that damn wine fridge stocked! (Ok, it's mostly my fault that it is looking so sad, but I digress.)

Oh, and there's the fact that I have real moral concerns with wearing diamonds, the mainstay wedding accoutrement. I know, there are other options, but many people feel a wedding isn't a wedding without a rock. No to mention that I've put my "right hand" ring on my left hand before (by accident!) and it just feels all wrong.

Now, I ask, why the rush to the ring? I know it's the norm, but I must say I fall out of the "norm" box on a lot of my stances, this being just one.

So, even though I know there is already a pastor waiting in the wings to officiate the big day (thanks for the continuous offer, Melissa), for those of you who have been on the Shupasaurus/Chels wedding bandwagon, I respectfully request you pick another perfect couple to cheer for. I'm sure there's one out there somewhere. ;)


  1. First of all, we've been married 24 years and I have a beautiful little gold band on my finger. I even felt married the 2 years before that we lived together without the ring.

    Second, if you get married, you don't need a big to do. Just your officiator.

    Third, Andi & I would love to give you a wedding shower.

    Fourth, we could, after the wedding start working on a grand niece or nephew.

    Love you!

  2. I am getting on the Shash bandwagon!!
    Judy the closest you are ever going to get to grand nieces and nephews are Rocco and Brewski!!

  3. Hey, I'm married and I don't wear a ring. I work out. I can't wear a ring.
