Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Euro Trip 2012... The Beginning.

Five years ago this August/September, I travelled Europe with one of my best girlfriends. Though we hadn't seen each other for probably a year (after she ditched CA for a gig in Germany), I hopped a plane and reunited with her at the airport.

We travelled for just about a month, hitting Weisbaden (Germany), Milan, Barcelona, London, Paris, Amsterdam and Crete (Greece). It was the most fun month I have ever had in my entire life. And it came at the perfect time, when I was trying to remind myself why I wanted to keep going after the most painful event I would ever go through (losing my dad).

The trip taught me that not only is there an entire world out there, waiting to be explored, but there is a world full of wonderful people that are all waiting to meet you.

We travelled at a time when rumors of worldwide anti-Americanism were rampant. Thanks to my buddy GDub, we had successfully bullied our way to pissing off most of the globe. I was warned by numerous friends and family before my travels that I would be getting many the stink-eye from my European counterparts.

It was much to the contrary. We were welcomed, with open arms, by nearly everyone. Perhaps they found me more interesting because I was travelling with a beautiful Korean woman and it threw them off. Or perhaps it was because of the "IMPEACH BUSH" pin I wore proudly on my travel backpack. Whatever the reason, we were anything but shunned. (Heck, we even had this experience: while sitting at a little streetside cafe in Paris-which is notorious for snobs-a beautiful Parisian woman walking by stopped at the window we were sitting next to, looked at me and said, "You are a very beautiful woman." I don't think that has EVER happen in Cali.)

Anyway, the point of my rambling is this: It has been five years. It is time for a redo. It is GOING TO HAPPEN in the summer of 2012.

I know the more you talk about it happening, the more likely it will happen. The more you dream it, the more you will do it. So this is my commitment... No matter how much more money goes into the Shack, I will put away enough to make my Euro dream come true. Hopefully I can talk my fabulous Korean BFF to come with me, and I know a few others that have shared their interest in the trip.

So, let's throw some dollars in a jar, start the planning, and show those Euro's what CA has to offer!

1 comment:

  1. I'm ready! I have $287.33 in my coin jar ready to be cashed in for a Eurrail pass! Please, this time let's avoid the sleeper cars filled w/stinky, snoring old farts...literally! :)
