This Saturday was the third annual "Race for the Ring" in Downtown Sacramento. Shupasaurus and I were lucky enough to participate as "Team News n Review," courtesy of one of my BFF's who puts together events for SN&R.
This was our first year to participate and we had a blast!

Shupasaurus and I, Team News n Review
The race benefits the Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services, which recently had to overcome a huge fire at their facility. The event expected to bring in approximately $20,000 for the food bank. One of the major sponsors was Rogers Jewelers, which donated much of the $35,000 worth of prizes, including a huge diamond ring worth over $8,000. The prize the really had my eye was the baby blue beach cruiser, donated courtesy of a midtown vintage bike shop.

BFF Kev and I
Over 600 teams participated this year and the event was a blast. We zipped off from Raley Field at 10:30 and spent the next two hours biking from one Sacramento landmark to the next, answering questions and solving riddles.

Mayor Johnson was in attendance to do the race countdown
We trekked around to 25 different places, including the State Capitol, where our clue was, "Sacramento Panera Breads have been partnering with the Food Bank for 3 years. Find SCVNGR's Amanda infront of the Capitol and ask her the name of this campaign."
Of course, this has us and our fellow Race for the Ringers wandering the Capitol lawn asking quizzically, "Amanda? Amanda? Are you Amanda?"

After a couple hours of biking around beautiful Downtown Sacramento, we headed back with our score of 73, in the hopes that we beat the pants off of the competition. The after party at Raley Field was rockin', complete with a super fun cover band, awesome grub and ice cold brewskis!

However, I am sad to report that Shupasaurus and I did not bring home the big prize. As a matter of fact, we were all but SMOKED by the competition, with the winning team racking up an impressive 112 points.
After a couple hours of biking around beautiful Downtown Sacramento, we headed back with our score of 73, in the hopes that we beat the pants off of the competition. The after party at Raley Field was rockin', complete with a super fun cover band, awesome grub and ice cold brewskis!
Raley Field After Party
However, I am sad to report that Shupasaurus and I did not bring home the big prize. As a matter of fact, we were all but SMOKED by the competition, with the winning team racking up an impressive 112 points.