Are you ready for the news? Here goes:
We laid sod!
Hallelujah! Our back yard has miraculously been transformed from a huge (butt-ugly) pile of dirt to an inviting, green retreat.
To add to the awesomeness of this development, that means I will no longer have to scrub my floors every other day to rid them of the ridiculous amount of dirt tracked in by the mutts and the Shupe (ok, ok, and me sometimes...) This fact makes me so happy I cannot express my joy in words. I mean, not that I don't like getting down on my hands and knees to make my floors sparkle, only to have the beautiful result of my labor trampled within 24 hours of the cleaning by mutts REALLY excited to run in the dirt and then through the house. But really, I'm stoked. To steal from a friend of mine (with a little poetic license):
Having a beautifully sodded lawn is like a high five from Jesus himself.
Here's to a spring and summer of lazy afternoons, cold cocktails and great times with friends in our new oasis. Cheers.
Oh, but before I finish... One HUGE thank you to Amy, the Shupettes and Phil. Having the kiddos "help" with the project made it totally fun. And, as is a requirement for being called a "Shupe" Amy definitely knows how to work with her hands. To Phil, the best bro ever, thanks for only running and hour late and still getting there in time to put in some awesome work. You all are the best.

Don't ask me how the hell we saw this and thought, "I see something wonderful."

The Before... Ugg...
After <3